Danielle @mummasteachingstyle … Introductions, please!

Thank you for joining me!


“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life …” – Bill Cunningham



My name is Danielle and I am a #fashionaddict.

I thought that after 6 months of giving this ‘Insta Fashion Bloggin’ stuff a go, I should properly introduce myself. Can I call myself a blogger if I’ve never blogged? “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Anyway, I digress.


My name is Danielle, I am a wife, a mum to a bloody cute 2 year old, a Middle School teacher, a daughter, a sister (surely a sister in law soon!!!!), a daughter-in-law, a friend and a slave to fashion.

One day at school some students said to me, “Miss, you should start a fashion blog.” I laughed. A few months later, I found myself playing in my cupboard (my favourite procrasti-task) and thought, “Heck, why not?” so I created a silly name (since changed), took a few photos, started an account. Here we are, six months later, at nearly 2000 followers, some collaborations, a few up and down emotional rollercoasters and most importantly an Insta community where, an unexpected result of beginning this account, I have made some new awesome friends.

So what will this blog entail? Hmm … of this I am not entirely sure? Probably my incessant rambling. If you haven’t guessed yet, I am a huge lover of words and definitely use my allocated daily quota. So, thank you for reading and following along on this journey. Do you have any blog ideas … do send them my way!

I am still genuinely surprised, extremely flattered and beyond humbled when someone says to me, “Hey, do you know where I can get a grey cardi?” or, “I just bought this because I saw it on your Insta.”

So to my new community of friends and followers – thank you. Thank you oh so much!

Lots of love, Danielle

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