“A ring is more than just bling …”

If you have been following me for a while, it would have become apparent to you that I a) almost always wear earrings and b) love a good statement necklace. I adore homemade pieces, love to support local Australian businesses and am almost always sporting some kind of costume jewellery.

But … what about my every day jewellery with meaning. Well, obviously, I wear my engagement and wedding rings daily. One week after the birth of my son my husband gifted me an eternity ring and my three-piece set of diamond-y goodness was complete! I am one lucky gal!!!

Daily, I also wear a necklace from Palas Jewellery (an AHHmazing SA designer – https://palasjewellery.com). Prior to having my baby boy, I wore a different Palas Jewellery necklace, daily – ‘a wish bone’, a good luck charm, amongst a pregnancy journey that was not always smooth. After giving birth to a reasonably healthy baby boy (not 100% healthy, but no major issues and nothing the beautiful hospital staff and an amazing paed. couldn’t sort out over a 6 month period) I took my necklace off. I replaced it with a ring from a local South Aussie designer – Everlasting Prints (https://www.facebook.com/everlastingprintsau/). This ring was embedded with the hand print of my 3 month old. I still wear this ring often, but not on a daily basis any longer.


I now wear a necklace with an ‘S’ to symbolise the name of little man. I received this the day I went back to work (told you I snagged a good husband!!!) I later added to it with a ‘Mother charm’. Sometimes at work, I find myself holding the pendants to my lips while I tap away on the computer or am mid conversation with a student. In fact, I didn’t know how often I did this, until one day, on the nappy change table, Mr 2 and a bit reached up, grabbed the charms and pushed them against my mouth. I do it so often, he’d noticed. The necklace is a little connection to my boy, when he is not by my side!


Amongst the statement pieces I wear, my symbols of love and the connections to my family are with me every day. So it turns out that a ‘statement piece’ might not always be making the biggest statement. Remember … ‘a ring is more than just bling’!

Side note: I also have both of my grandmother’s eternity rings. I do not wear them often, but they have a special place in my heart? Oh … and the earrings my mum bought me for my wedding – those are pretty bloody spesh too!!!

Second side note: This was not a sponsored post – just some SA companies I LOVE and who have created pieces I adore and cherish!

Author: @mummasteachingstyle

Mumma Teacher 30+ years old Fashion Addict

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